Cadbury’s remixed

Gorilla remixed to Total Eclipse of the Heart
Fallon’s enormously successful Cadbury’s ads return to our screens this evening with remixed soundtracks. Both Gorilla and Airport Trucks will play out in full length, taking up the whole of an ad break during the finale of Big Brother on Channel 4, at 10.30pm. The new version of Gorilla (shown above) is cut to Bonnie Tyler’s Total Eclipse of the Heart, while Airport Trucks will be set to Bon Jovi’s Living on a Prayer, which, rumour has it, was the ad agency’s original preferred soundtrack for the ad.
Both remixes have been overseen by Fallon’s creative director Juan Cabral, but they do smack slightly of Cadbury trying to ‘milk’ the success of the original spots. But we will let you make up your own minds… At present I can only find Gorilla on YouTube but will add Trucks if it appears.