So you want to start your own business? Nicolas Roope has some advice

Plumen’s Nicolas Roope has some advice for anyone thinking of starting up on their own

MG (left) Nik (right)
Plumen’s co-founders Michael George Hemus (on left, also MD) and Nicolas Roope (also Creative Director)

You’re sitting on a shit-hot idea. You’ve spoken to a few good friends about it, the type not afraid to openly critique you. And they said they believe in it. You see a twinkle in their eye.

You’ve let the idea sit in your head for a few weeks, or better, a few months. And the excitement and belief hasn’t gone away, in fact it’s only got stronger. The idea isn’t riding high on that giddy feeling that tends to cloud judgement, but by a steady questioning and testing, a steady chipping away at the idea to test its solidity.


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