Artfarm: Farm Shop packaging

Category: Packaging; Entrant: Otherway

Otherway partnered with Artfarm, the retail and hospitality arm of art enterprise Hauser & Wirth, to help develop a fresh new Farm Shop brand, which is based on Hauser & Wirth’s sprawling Durslade Farm complex near Bruton in Somerset and now launched into Mayfair, London.

Farm Shop supports local fledgling entrepreneurs, as well as partnering with more established businesses. It uses a community-first approach to create unique products made with ingredients grown directly on the farm and surrounding fields.

The branding and packaging conveys the brand values of ‘simple’ and ‘best’. This approach informed the design decisions, allowing form to follow function – creating a raw system for typography and product storytelling that is defined by colour from the produce and patterns from the land.

It also highlights connections to place and provenance. “We wanted people to be curious about the products and to understand where they’re coming from,” says Otherway.

Design Studio: Otherway