Beatles v Stones animation

Entrant: Dog and Rabbit; Category: Animation

Beatles v Stones animation still

Dog and Rabbit created the Beatles v Stones film to showcase its “best animation techniques, comedy timings and comedy inclinations”. The film was targeted at people who love animation and “who might commission us”, says Dog and Rabbit.

The film was cut to an original soundtrack that paid homage to the bands’ classic heritage, while the animation recognised the artistic history of their covers. “We love The Beatles and The Stones and LP covers in general (especially when housing 12-inch vinyl), so put all these together and this is what we got.

“The LP covers provide great source material and a tight animation framework. We created a fictional battle of the bands, with characters and objects from each LP interacting with other LPs and ending up in a literal (and metaphysical) pie fight.”

Animation Studio: Dog and Rabbit
Director: Andrew Kelleher
Producer: Dave Anderson