New Billie film tackles self-conscious apologies on video calls

With video calls now part of the new normal during Covid-19, beauty brand Billie asks us to stop saying sorry for how we look

Billie film

The use of video conferencing platforms has skyrocketed amid national lockdowns, yet so too have apologies for people’s own appearances as they reckon with dodgy camera angles and often a more laid-back approach to typical beauty routines.

From grey roots to skin blemishes and under-eye bags, beauty brand Billie is addressing some of these self-deprecating remarks in a new film produced by Prettybird UK.

As with most productions these days, the film was created over Zoom, which fits neatly with the topic at hand. Participants chosen for the film were asked to pick people themselves to feature alongside them in each clip, to help bring a natural feel to the conversations.

Despite video calls being ubiquitous these days, the film taps into the fact that many people are still struggling to shake off self-consciousness at a time when people are arguably at their most authentic and intimate. Although beauty brands have historically offered up a narrow representation of women – focusing in particular on the young and slender – the film also features a refreshingly diverse pool of stars.