Why brands can’t be everything everywhere all at once
The purpose of brand strategy is to provide brands with direction and meaning. So why are agencies and marketers so eager to keep brands open-ended?
In the modern branding era, most reputable branding experts will insist on undergoing a strategy exercise prior to evolving an organisation’s visual identity. There are many long-winded and valid reasons to develop a brand strategy, but what they all boil down to is ensuring that a brand is one thing and not another. Read again: one thing and not another.
No single brand can be known for everything good all at once, no more than it can embody a hundred character traits with any degree of cohesion or success. You can’t carve out a position in people’s minds by claiming to have the toughest, most sophisticated, ethical, fun and affordable product on the market. You can’t be Oracle and Slim Jim at the same time.