Can remote working really work?

Remote working is on the rise, but is our industry ready to accept it? We weigh up the pros and cons of escaping the office, and how it could potentially affect how creative work gets made

For many, remote working is the future of employment. It promises to free us all from the tyranny of the open plan office and the daily commute, leaving us comfortably ensconced at home, or in our nearest café or co-working space. Remote working removes geographical barriers when it comes to hiring new people, giving companies access to a much bigger pool of talent. And it also offers an alternative to anyone that finds the office atmosphere uncomfortable or overwhelming, for whatever reason that is.

Of course it’s not necessarily so straightforward. Detractors of remote working caution that companies are rushing into it without considering how it could affect employees’ wellbeing, or their ability to work as a team. There’s also a certain degree of suspicion. Can people really be trusted to be at their laptops, getting things done, rather than secretly folding their laundry and watching daytime TV?