Channel 4 Change Climate

Channel 4 ad calls out big business and politicians on climate change

Ahead of its Change Climate season, the broadcaster takes a typically outrageous approach to identifying climate culprits by giving them carbon skid-marked underpants

Created to promote the broadcaster’s new Change Climate season of programming, the ad from 4creative aims to call out the actions (and inactions) of those in positions of power and question whether they are doing enough.

The film opens with a series of familiar scenes including business colleagues on a private jet, at an oil company’s profit meeting, and politicians in a debating chamber. Things quickly descent into chaos, as they all proceed to rip off their clothes and begin dancing chaotically in their carbon skid marked underpants.

“The campaign creates an unignorable visual for an unignorable subject,” say 4creative creative directors, Andy Vasey and Dan Warner. “People are recycling their backsides off, but are those with power doing enough in return? Ahead of a whole Channel 4 season dedicated to the topic, we wanted to create a planet sized debate.”

The amusing spot also taps into the growing trend of filmmakers and advertisers using humour in order to inspire climate action, as CR explored recently.

Channel 4 Change Climate

Agency: 4creative
Executive Creative Director: Lynsey Atkin
Creative Directors: Andy Vasey and Dan Warner
Head of Design: Rob Boon
Senior Designer: Sarah Jones
Creative Artworker: Zen St George
Production Company: Academy Films
Directors: Grandmas
OOH Photography: Max Parker