Redesigning our approach to sex education

CR speaks to Unfound creative director Jay Topham about the studio’s branding for sex education app Elbee, and why it’s not just designed for young people

It used to be a cobbled together pamphlet or an awkward educational video at school that taught us about the birds and the bees. While resources have gotten a bit more sophisticated over the years, sex education is still somewhat of an afterthought in the national curriculum. It’s what prompted Angela Hudson to found Elbee, an app that aims to rethink the conversation and liberate sex and relationship education from shame, judgement, and exclusion.

To help ground the app in this space and signal its new approach, Unfound Studio was brought in to reimagine the branding. “At the time, the brand had a visual identity, plus an early stage, on-screen prototype, however we believed it missed the mark in communicating why it was so important,” explains Unfound creative director, Jay Topham.

“Hooked by the vision, we looked to strategically reimagine the narrative for parents and their children alike. We knew if we could land on a compelling big idea for Elbee, then all the brand activations would fall into place. In addition, to create a digital world where young people and parents want to spend time, we needed a compelling brand story and engaging interactions.”