Exposure: Agnieszka Sosnowska

In this edition of Exposure, Gem Fletcher profiles Agnieszka Sosnowska, a Polish-born American who is now based in Iceland, and her photography – which embodies a primal desire to understand our place in the world

Agnieszka Sosnowska lives on a farm in east Iceland. She immigrated 16 years ago after an unexpected encounter with an Icelander while on a three-day vacation in Reykjavík. Three years later, they were married. This ­dramatic shift in lifestyle – Sosnowska was born in Poland and raised in Boston – was the catalyst for a new mode of image-­making. Rooted in encounters with people and the land she now calls home, her work embodies a primal desire to understand our place in the world.

“I know it sounds crazy,” says Sosnowska, “but in moving here, I really grew up. I’ve just turned 50 and I’ve been using this view camera since I was 18. I feel like I’m only just figuring out what I want to say with it.”

All Images courtesy Agnieszka Sosnowska