Artificial Intelligence

Innovations in artificial intelligence and insights from industry experts on the future of automation, Big Tech, and more

Blurred image of a person's mugshot against a grey backdrop by Paolo Cirio

Artist Paolo Cirio on the real dangers of AI

The artist’s subversive new show at Foam in Amsterdam interrogates AI. He talks to us about how his “hacker ethics” determine who’s entitled to privacy in his work and why the current preoccupations around AI are misplaced

Purple hued illustration of two rows of washing machines

Should we be worried about AI washing?

There are concerns that brands, agencies and creatives aren’t disclosing where they’ve used AI. Yet as companies increasingly see the technology as a business selling point, is it also possible that some are actually overexaggerating their use and understanding of AI?

How can we learn to trust AI?

The rapid adoption of AI means an increasing number of images we’re exposed to are now being created by these tools. CR examines the public scepticism around AI-generated imagery and what can be done to build trust

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The digital doppelgänger dilemma

AI is already changing our relationships with celebrities, as several stars endorse its potential. The question is, should you get on board, and if you don’t, will you be left behind?

Why form should follow feeling, not function

AI will give brands the opportunity to create personalised, human-centred experiences for audiences, generating love and loyalty. Here, R/GA UK’s Kyle Wheeler explains how brands can prepare for the next level of customer experience