Creative Leadership

Practical advice on the challenges of running a creative team


Shutterstock - The Godfather

The art of getting it done

Viewing a TV show about the painful process of making the classic film The Godfather, TBWA\London’s CCO Andy Jex sees a number of parallels with life in adland

Talia Cotton on coding and creativity

Designer-coder Talia Cotton discusses how her experiences at agencies such as Pentagram gave her the confidence to set up her eponymous studio, and why creatives need to see more female founders as role models

Otherway acquisition

Otherway on being acquired

Following creative agency Otherway’s acquisition by Common Interest, founder Jono Holt discusses what it means for the company’s future and what he’s learned along the way

Don’t give up on DEI

The culture wars are seeing diversity initiatives come under attack, but creative agencies are making tangible steps towards improvement, says Asad Dhunna, founder of the Unmistakables. We asked him what comes next

How Squarespace found its edge

Squarespace has taken the fusty world of website builders and found an opportunity for imagination and entertainment. CCO David Lee talks to us about how the brand manages to draw blockbuster talent and why it’s starting to direct ads in-house

Faces of Travel campaign for Delta, 2023. Photos by Seo Ju

Meet Kin: The change makers

Creative agency Kin works with its clients to harness creativity to drive meaningful change. Here, the founders reflect on new ways of collaborating, with both clients and creatives

Identifying the talent of tomorrow

As a talent scout, gallery owner, and creative director of media brand Nataal, Marie Gomis-Trezise has been responsible for separating the good from the great. She talks to us about putting her faith in emerging talent