New Talent

CR’s pick of the best talent entering the commercial creative industry today

Reiki Zhang on dreaming in pixels

Reiki Zhang reflects on our physical and virtual reality through the lens of digital fashion and 3D art. She speaks to us about how she uses emerging technologies to consider the human condition

The search for new talent

CR talks to a handful of ad agencies and design studios to get a sense of what they’re looking for when it comes to new talent, how they find it, and what they’re able to offer in return

Lauren Dykes on the joy of ads that entertain

After joining TBWA\Media Arts Lab in Los Angeles, art director Lauren Dykes has already landed a role working with one of her dream brands: Apple. Here, she talks about why brands need to be entertaining to have a chance of cutting through

Ryu Ika: A flash of reality

Photographer Ryu Ika captures the absurd chaos of everyday life, using her sweaty, bloody, brightly lit images to try to make sense of the world around her

Vincenzo Ragona

Vincenzo Ragona on learning on the job

Vincenzo Ragona began his career in design learning from YouTube videos but – via a degree at Ravensbourne – is now working with clients including Jamie xx and Apple Music. He explains his hopes for a changing industry

Leanne Rule

In praise of silliness

Providing the perfect antidote to our serious times, Leanne Rule’s illustrations and animations have caught the eye of everyone from femcare brand Libresse to the makers of Love Island