Nick Asbury

Nick Asbury is a freelance writer for branding and design projects at Asbury & Asbury. He writes for CR about copywriting and advertising

A deep dive into the complexity of brand purpose

Nick Asbury’s new book examines how brand purpose intoxicated the marketing world, and the negative impact he feels it has wrought. Here he introduces the book’s central themes and implores us all to think differently about the trend

Purpose wins. Who loses?

The dominance of purpose-based work at creative awards schemes is part of an industry trend spanning two decades. But has the industry lost contact with reality? Nick Asbury investigates

A future without brand purpose

If we’re serious about brands doing less harm and more good in the world, then we need to drop the flawed idea of brand purpose – and retain the good intentions behind it

14 ways of looking at 280 characters

I’m not sure what effect it will have, and I doubt Twitter is sure either. But for the time being, here are 14 thoughts, each in fewer than 280 characters. 1. Lots of writers are saying this is terrible for writing. Writing is about editing – insert that quote about ‘Sorry for writing such a […]