Wayne Deakin

Wayne Deakin is global principal at Wolff Olins. He writes for CR on technology, advertising and design

Wayne Deakin illustration

Why brand unity is critical in times of upheaval

In this year of elections, we can expect seismic business changes, mergers and acquisitions. Brand expression is essential during these shifts, and the role of the chief designer officer should not be overlooked, says Wolff Olins’ Wayne Deakin

Embrace the blur_Wolff Olins_Creative Review

Why we need to embrace the blur

Unpredictable times can create a desire for control and order, but this results in blandness when it comes to design and advertising, says Wolff Olins’ Wayne Deakin. Instead we need to engage with the chaos

Inside Wolff Olins’ new branding

For designers, taking on the branding of their own company is a complicated task. Here, Wayne Deakin, global creative principal at Wolff Olins, explains how they addressed the challenge

How brands can navigate a hybrid future

As new and exciting opportunities emerge in the digital space, brands need to connect the various worlds we live in more than ever. The only way to do this is to think in human terms, not transactional ones

In search of that special sauce

Detail is everything in design, providing the magic that elevates an average project into something brilliant and charming. So why, asks Huge ECD Wayne Deakin, is it so often overlooked in digital design?