Making a mag: Lessons from Riposte’s Danielle Pender

As women’s magazine Riposte publishes its tenth issue, we speak to editor Danielle Pender about working with advertisers, keeping readers interested and the changing nature of women’s media

Danielle Pender launched Riposte magazine in 2013 – a time when mainstream women’s magazines were more concerned with body-shaming and perpetuating narrow ideals of beauty than empowering female readers. Speaking to CR ahead of the launch of Riposte’s debut issue, Pender said she wanted to offer a smarter alternative to fashion and celebrity focused titles: “We’re not interested in that world of big name celebrities and interviews full of media trained responses where you end up finding out nothing of any meaning,” she said.

Five years later, Pender has just published the tenth issue of Riposte. Anyone who has ever tried and failed to keep an indie magazine going will no that this is no easy feat – and she has done it without compromising on her original vision.