Marshmallow’s identity brings empathy into insurance

Ragged Edge’s branding for insurance company Marshmallow reflects its ambitions to challenge industry conventions

More than one million people move to the UK every year from all around the world. Opportunity awaits them, but these newcomers are immediately faced with a problem: antiquated policies mean that getting insured is a difficult and expensive task.

Challenger insurance company Marshmallow intends to step in to ensure that their previous experiences are taken into consideration and that they are offered fair prices for their situation. In essence, the company backs the exceptions to the rules that every other insurance company refuses to deviate from.

Marshmallow has partnered with London-based branding agency Ragged Edge on a new identity that aims to reflect its forward-thinking approach to insurance and appeal to its diverse target demographic.

At the core of the identity is the new Marshmallow mascot, whose warmth and quirkiness sets the tone from the start.

Elsewhere, the other shapes and characters that make up the modular branding follow suit, celebrating “infinite variation” and making clear Marshmallow’s intent to cater to anyone, anywhere, at any time.

These are complemented by a custom typeface – Marshmallow Youth – which was designed with accessibility in mind. Looking to speak to a multinational group of customers, it not only presents Marshmallow’s messaging in an amiable way, but also accounts for “those with varying English proficiency levels”.

The words themselves are guided by a new tone of voice that makes people “feel seen beyond the numbers” and prioritises clarity and empathy. Messaging such as ‘There’s nothing average about your experience’ highlights the inevitable unfairness of the insurance industry, which lets averages dictate its policies.

Reflecting on the new identity, Max Ottignon, co-founder of Ragged Edge, says: “We built the brand around ‘valuing difference’ – an idea that’s as distinctive as it is relevant to an audience who are consistently penalised for their diverse backgrounds, experiences and circumstances.”