What it’s like being neurodivergent in the creative industries

CR speaks to a handful of creatives at different stages in their career to understand the impact of being neurodivergent, the challenges they face but also the strengths they’ve found since being diagnosed

It’s estimated that around 20-50% of those working in the creative industries are neurodiverse (for context, only around 15% of people in the UK are neurodiverse). The number varies so vastly partly because of missed or late diagnoses, or people choosing not to disclose to their employer.

In recent years, our awareness has increased around neurodiversity, but with so many neurodiverse creatives in the workforce, have workplaces adapted properly? Do individuals feel able to do the work expected of them? What environment allows those with neurodivergence to flourish?

Every experience is different and unique, but this is why it’s so vital to talk. To get a glimpse into the conversation, CR has asked a handful of neurodiverse creatives at different stages in their careers what it’s been like for them, how their diagnoses have helped them gain clarity, the challenges they’ve faced, and how the industry could be better equipped at helping neurodiverse creatives.

Illustration of blank faces, one character is more solid in colour and has puzzle pieces inside their head
All images: Shutterstock