Image shows Ark branding on a black metal Welcome sign, whose letters are arranged in the shape of a smile

Omse’s homely identity for co-living space Ark

Ark, which offers flexible living arrangements aimed at young people, has a new visual identity that takes inspiration from its name

London-based independent design studio Omse has created a new identity for co-living company Ark, which aims to offer “consciously-designed, well-connected” rentals.

Coinciding with the launch of Ark’s first space in Wembley, London, the identity hopes to establish the brand as a welcome alternative to the eye-wateringly expensive rental market.

Image shows Ark branding on two pass cards, one lime green, one white with blue text, both featuring the word 'Wembley' arranged the shape of a smile
Image shows Ark branding on a poster headlined 'On the ark' in bright blue capital letters, with events listings underneath

The new logo for Ark taps into the name itself, using lettering arranged in a semi-circle form to resemble the biblical ship that Noah built before the great flood to house all of the world’s animals. It creates a caring, approachable atmosphere from the outset, with the curve also designed to resemble the shape of a smile.

Typography across the rest of the branding shares a similar composition, with location names also bearing an ark-like shape while retaining their own individual flares. The reference appears elsewhere, such as in posters showing event listings, which are cheerfully headlined ‘On the Ark’.

Imagery shot by photographer Phill Taylor and director Mathew Taylor has also been used to bring energy to the branding across its website and social media platforms. Photographs and videos of people relaxing in Ark’s various locations help to create a community feel, particularly when it comes to the video footage, which has a homely, DIY feel. 

Together, the typography and photography play off against one another to create an identity that is fresh yet friendly.

Image shows Ark branding on a gold sign in the shape of a quarter circle, labelled 6th floor

Image shows Ark branding on an outdoor poster, headlined 'Peckham' arranged in the shape of a smile, and a photograph of two people drinking a beer