New podcast episode: Do ad agencies get design?

Ad agencies are increasingly producing branding and identity work for clients, alongside campaigns. But do they really understand the design process? Find out in the latest episode of Creativity Sucks!

Creativity Sucks! podcast

To those on the outside of the design or advertising industries, the differences between these two realms may seem fairly minimal: they are both creating work for commercial brands, after all. But these two worlds have long prided themselves on their distinctions, at times protecting them fiercely.

This separation is going through a rapid breakdown right now, however, as more and more ad agencies are producing identity work, motion design, and graphics for brands, as well as campaigns.

In this new episode of our podcast Creativity Sucks!, host Eliza Williams has gathered a panel of experts from the industry to discuss what this means, and whether it matters. And it turns out that it’s all more complicated than you might expect.

Listen to the conversation below (or wherever you get your podcasts) to hear Caterina Bianchini from Studio Nari, Chris Chapman from adam&eveDDB, and Mark Sloan from Mother Design all share their views and experiences. And, as usual, if you enjoy the show, please like and share, it really helps.