Image shows a series of print adverts for Stockholm public transport network SL, which feature photographs of a tight parking space, a traffic jam, a parking ticket, parking signs, and petrol prices

Public transport comes to the rescue in Stockholm campaign

A simple yet effective campaign for the city’s public transport network, SL, illustrates that cars aren’t always the most convenient way to get around

SL, the public transport system in Stockholm, has partnered with Swedish agency Familjen Sthlm on a campaign that emphasises the disadvantages of car travel versus public transport. None of the pitfalls highlighted in the campaign revolve around the environment – often the default case given for using public transport. Instead, the campaign focuses on cost and inconvenience.

The ads are simple but effective. Impossibly tight parking spaces, soaring fuel prices on petrol station display boards, and parking tickets are among the scenes shown in the campaign. These are paired with a tagline, ‘Åk med oss istället’, which in English means ‘Ride with us instead’.

Image shows an outdoor advert for Stockholm public transport network SL, which shows an aerial photo of a red car trying to get out of a tight parallel parking space
Image shows an outdoor advert for Stockholm public transport network SL, which features an image of a traffic jam

The campaign is running on OOH displays around Stockholm and the surrounding area, as well as in the press, on YouTube, and across social media. It also comes with a film showing an excruciating four-minute attempt at a parallel park set to the tune of lift music.

The placement of ads across the city was designed to address the drivers who “are sitting there alone in their cars”, perhaps while stuck in traffic or trying to get out of a parking spot, according to Familjen Sthlm art director Hedda Hyland and copywriter Ulf Paulsrud-Sirbäck.

“With increased inflation and high fuel prices, SL and public transport offer a cheaper and more convenient way to travel in many locations,” explains Johan Nordgren, head of marketing communications at SL. “Therefore, the campaign must implicitly communicate the advantage of avoiding traffic queues, looking for parking, and paying expensive parking fines.”

Image shows an outdoor advert for Stockholm public transport network SL, which shows a photo of a parking ticket attached to a car's windscreen
Image shows an outdoor advert for Stockholm public transport network SL, which features a photo of a petrol station display board showing fuel prices
Image shows an outdoor advert for Stockholm public transport network SL attached to a red building, which shows a photo of a column of parking signs
Image shows an outdoor advert for Stockholm public transport network SL, which shows a photo of a road sign for toll charges

Agency: Familjen Sthlm
Creative Director: Johan Helander
Creatives: Ulf Paulsrud-Sirbäck, Hedda Hyland
Graphic Designer: Johan Olsson
Photographer: Fredrik Bengtsson Studio
Head of Marketing Communications (SL): Johan Nordgren