How drawing can help brands communicate

CR speaks to the founders of Scriberia, an agency that uses drawing to help brands and businesses solve their problems using visual thinking

“Some people think that people invite us to their corporate Christmas parties and we do some decent caricatures. They probably don’t think that we’re doing projects with the government we’re not even allowed to talk about,” says Dan Porter, co-founder with Chris Wilson at Scriberia, a London-based agency that combines consultancy with creativity.

“We’re helping organisations understand what they need to do and clarify their own thoughts, and I think we’re showing the effectiveness of pictures as a means of communication.” Scriberia was set up in 2009 and Wilson and Porter see drawing as not only what they do but also how they get things done.

They’ve helped brands such as Oxfam, BBC, Google, Adobe, NHS, British Army, Greenpeace, and many more in an array of different sectors, to visualise their business in new ways. The agency has become a leader in this unusual field as often they employ visual thinking for clients who aren’t always used to creative solutions. As a result it’s meant the pair have overcome an array of challenges and hurdles along the way.

Top: Screenshot from NHS explainer animation. Above: Scriberia vision map. All images: Scriberia