Seven ages of a creative: April Greiman

Transmedia artist April Greiman blazed a trail in computers when everyone else was convinced they would kill design. She explains why she’s always looking forward

For this special project, we talk to 12 creatives and designers aged 19 to 87 about their experiences in the creative industry, their hopes and dreams, the changes they have witnessed during their career so far, and what further developments they hope may come in the future. Next up is artist and designer April Greiman, aged 73

April Greiman is thinking about what a life of retirement might look like for her. “I’ve had a lot more success dreaming of projects and working creatively than I have figuring out how other people manage to sell out and move on and retire. Not that I ever want to retire – when I die, that will be retirement,” she laughs over Zoom, as she catches up with CR from her home in Los Angeles.

Now 73, Greiman has never been one to blend in with the rest of the creative world. Over the past four decades, she has carved out a reputation for herself as one of America’s most influential creative minds. She is widely considered to be one of the first designers to realise the potential of technology as a design tool, is recognised for helping introduce the New Wave style of design in the US in the 70s, and was awarded an AIGA Gold Medal – the equivalent of a lifetime achievement award – in 1998. Two decades on from the award, she’s showing no signs of slowing down.

Top: Hand Holding a Bowl of Rice, Wilshire Vermont Station, public art commissioned mural, Los Angeles, 2007. Above: April Greiman