Studio Sutherl& designs multifaceted identity for Perspectiva

Studio Sutherl& has designed a new visual identity for the charity, which focuses on education and philosophy, that aims to embrace the idea of different viewpoints

Studio Sutherl& has created a new visual identity for Perspectiva, a charity and collective of scholars, artists and activists. Together they aim to put forth new ways of looking at the world through education, events and publications.

At the heart of the new identity is the idea of different viewpoints uniting and diverging. Studio Sutherl& channelled this concept into a range of logotypes that unravel in different directions on an isometric grid.

The perspective theme plays out on the Perspectiva website, with imagery that’s literally reflective and further executions of the unravelling type. On desktop, web pages that house content like essays and articles feature images that have been angled as though the perspective has been shifted, which twist further when you hover over them.

Studio Sutherl& has also worked across the book cover designs for the charity’s publishing arm, Perspectiva Press, featuring headlines that wrap around the spine from back to front cover.