The changing world of newspaper design

A new book from Gestalten explores the changing world of newspaper design – and how digital media has forced news organisations to rethink how stories are presented in print

In the mid-2000s, the invention of social media and the rise of online journalism prompted many a think piece about the inevitable death of the newspaper. With ad revenues and subscriptions in decline, it seemed like the printed paper would soon be a thing of the past.

Instead, what we have seen is a rethink of the newspaper format. Print is now just one part of a multiplatform approach to reporting that includes video, social media and even VR and editors have had to question the newspaper’s role in a world where most of us consume news on a digital device.

This has also prompted a rethink of the way newspapers are designed. The Guardian redesigned its print edition to offer a more focused and curated reading experience, while the New York Times has introduced special print-only sections and transformed its weekly magazine. Newspaper designers today have to think not just about making the news legible but offering a reading experience that other mediums cannot.

A new book from Gestalten offers a comprehensive look at the changing face of newspapers through in-depth case studies and insights from leading editorial designers – and raises some thought-provoking questions about the medium.