Unseen UK: Ukraine Welcome Text campaign
Category: Digital; Entrant: BBD Perfect Storm
While countries have opened their borders to the 14 million people who have fled Ukraine since the war began, there is a lack of infrastructure for safe relocation, putting vulnerable Ukrainians at risk of human trafficking and slavery.
To combat this, BBD Perfect Storm and anti-slavery charity Unseen UK partnered to create Ukraine Welcome Text, which shares vital information with Ukrainians when they arrive in the UK, explaining the dangers posed by traffickers. The text then directs recipients to an online hub with more information.
BBD and Unseen worked with the major Ukrainian phone companies to ensure that those entering the UK would automatically receive the text the minute they turn on their phones. Since the campaign launched, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe has asked all operators across Europe to use Ukraine Welcome Text.
Unseen UK: Ukraine Welcome Text
Category: Digital
Entrant: BBD Perfect Storm
Agency: BBD Perfect Storm
Executive Creative Director: Seb Hill
Senior Art Director: Jake Hill-Gowing
Senior Copywriter: Robyn Bowman
Head of Design: Louise Ormerod
Designers: Rob Palmer, Holly Reynolds
Editor: Minh Ngan
Executive Director: Nick Dutnall
CEO: Andrew Wallis
Head of Communications: Dominic Murphy